Sunday, 25 November 2012

My journey, In Pictures...

So how far have I come on this journey... I was going through my pictures and discovered the photos from the day I started going back to the gym, I was horrified!

Here is my journey in pictures....

18th August 2012

I took this the morning I returned to the gym. I weighed nearly 73 kgs, the heaviest I have ever been (besides pregnancy). My skin was suffering, my confidence was very low but I knew I wanted to get back to the old me.

October 1st 
At this point I am at 68.8 and feeling so much more energised but still feel uncomfortable as I was still not fitting into my clothes but knew that my hard work was paying off- I was more energised and my body was thanking me for it. I was being SUPER strict with my eating.

I am now down to 64 kgs and feeling great physically and mentally. I still eat well but allow myself treats and not to be strict 24/7. I have worked hard to get to this point so I think I deserve to take a step back and just enjoy food a little more, enjoy exercise and enjoy my family.

November 25th 
I am now working on toning and shaping and turning that baby stomach fat into a distant memory that is no longer to be seen in the mirror everyday.

November 25th 

I still have a lot of progress to make and a goal to get to what I was before having my BB2 but I know that is months of hard work and involves pushing myself at the gym.

Current Loss Results as of 25th November 2012:

Weight: 64 (-8.6kg)

Waist: 79 (-13cm)

Hips: 88 (9cm)
Thighs: 45 (-5.5)

When I write these results down and see the progress in photos I smile because I am so proud of myself for staying committed and not allowing myself to just feel sorry for myself and accept that I've had two babies so those extra 10kgs are 'allowed' to be there. My clothes fit again, some even starting to get loose, I am happier, healthier and enjoying more time to focus on my girls rather than worrying about every single thing that touches my mouth or how I look in the mirror. 

So if you want something, go for it!! Only you can change what you do not like 

Andrea x 

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